Table of Contents
Create 2 context on dialplan
Create a rule on dialplan for LCR
Create a profile on LCR
Add providers
Add rules
Create 2 context on dialplan
2 context or more, depending how many operators you have.
Name: Context1
Description: Context for LCR
Click on
Create a rule on dialplan for LCR
Create this rule in the context
Name: LCRRule
Conditions: x - Custom; x - Destination number: ^1$
Action: x - Custom: LCR; Profile: test Number: 9 Timeout: 5
Criterion: X - Quality/Rate
Click on
Create a profile on LCR
Name: LCR_test
Description: Test description
Add providers
Name: Example_name_provider1
Description: This is a provider
Context: Context1
Click on
Add rules
Name: Rule 1
Digits: 9
Provider: Example_name_provider1
Rate: 0.05
Quality: 2