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Interactive voice response (IVR) is an automatic system that allows the user to interact trough the telephone key pad (DMTF tones).

Into the Comms Mundi™ you can add as many menus as you want. The IVR menus can be part of another menu as an option to create hierarchical menus.

Add a new menu

To add a new menu go to the page Telephony → IVR:

:!: Before adding a IVR menu you must upload or add a new sound to be used in this menu (Telephony custom sounds).

  1. In the IVR table (where the configured IVR are listed), click Add
  2. Set the value for the name, demo
  3. Set the value for the Description, IVR demo
  4. Set the greeting, Sound of greet long, use the previous sound added.
  5. Set the timeout for the ivr menu, 5000
  6. Set the value for the Digit length, 1
  7. In advanced parameters, set the value for Maximum failures, for example, 3
  8. Click Add

Add actions to the menu

To add a new menu action go to the page Telephony → IVR:

  1. Select the IVR where you want to add the new action or actions by clicking in the folder icon, near its name in the IVR table.
  2. In the IVR Actions table (where the configured IVR actions are listed), click Add

Example of some actions that you can add:

:!: You can use special digits timeout or invalid to execute action when the IVR returns timeout or returns invalid action.

Using the IVR menu in the Diaplan

To be able to send a call to an IVR menu you must add a rule in the diaplan context where the call is process. To add a new rule go to the page Telephony → Diaplan:

  1. Select the context where the new rule extension will be add by clicking in the folder icon, near its name on the contexts table.
  2. In the extensions table (Context '<selected context name>': Extensions), click Add
  3. Set the Name parameter, for example All call to a IVR menu
  4. Set the Priority parameter, first
  5. For the Conditions parameters, choose: Any
  6. For the actions parameters, choose:
    • Custom
    • IVR
    • Destination: set the IVR to the previously configured IVR menu, demo
  7. Click Add